Tuesday, 3 January 2012

The In Betweens

One of my principal reasons for beginning this blog was to learn to take notice of life as it happens. It is so easy to live in the past, “L’Age d’Or” (for you fans of Midnight in Paris), or the future—the shiny promise of tomorrow.... But life is happening. RIGHT NOW.  I want to learn to find significance in the insignificant, the simple, and the common; to realize that those things are actually something beautiful, brilliant, and important. In my program at UVic we spend a lot of time writing reflections. Reflections upon lessons, experience, projects... reflections to infinity (or so it sometimes feels!!!) but these reflections are proving to be incredibly valuable. Learning to stop and consider the impact/meaning/significance of anything (be it an interaction, a thought, a success or a failure) is incredibly rewarding. It really allows you to begin to live life on purpose; isn’t that a beautiful idea? For the last few weeks an old song has been running through my head (funny how that happens sometimes), and I think the timing is perfect for a new year.

It’s not just the end, or where we begin
It is in the in-betweens
Slowing down
Learning how
Finding life in moments like these

That is my goal for this year, my true resolution, and hopefully this blog
will provide the vehicle to accomplish such.

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